
  1. Taran Driver, Siqi Li, Elio G. Champenois, Joseph Duris, Daniel Ratner, TJ Lane, Philipp Rosenberger, Andre Al-Haddad, Vitali Averbukh, Toby Barnard, Nora Berrah, Christoph Bostedt, Philip H. Bucksbaum, Ryan Coffee, Louis F. DiMauro, Li Fang, Douglas Garratt, Averell Gatton, Zhaoheng Guo, Gregor Hartmann, Daniel Haxton, Wolfram Helm Aaron LaForge, Andrei Kamalov, Matthias F. Kling, Jonas Knurr, Ming-Fu Lin, Alberto A. Lutman, James P. MacArthur, Jon P. Marangos, Megan Nante, Adi Natan, Razib Obaid, Niranjan H. Shivaram, Avaid Schori, Peter Walter, Anna Wang, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Agostino Marinelli, and James P. Cryan, “Attosecond Transient Absorption Spooktroscopy: a ghost imaging approach to ultrafast absorption spectroscopy” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, DOI: 10.1039/c9cp03951a.
  2. Carniato, S., P. Selles, A. Ferté, N. Berrah, A. H. Wuosmaa, M. Nakano, Y. Hikosaka et al. “Double-core ionization photoelectron spectroscopy of C6H6: Breakdown of the “intuitive” ortho-meta-para binding energy ordering of K− 1 K− 1 states.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 151, no. 21 (2019): 214303.
  3. Berrah, Nora, A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, Z. Jurek, R. Obaid, H. Xiong, R. J. Squibb, T. Osipov et al. “Femtosecond-resolved observation of the fragmentation of buckminsterfullerene following X-ray multiphoton ionization.” Nature Physics 15, no. 12 (2019): 1279-1283.
  4. Obaid, Razib, Kirsten Schnorr, Thomas JA Wolf, Tsukasa Takanashi, Nora G. Kling, Kuno Kooser, Kiyonobu Nagaya et al. “Photo-ionization and fragmentation of Sc3N@ C80 following excitation above the Sc K-edge.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 151, no. 10 (2019): 104308.
  5. Obaid, Razib, Sven Augustin, Kirsten Schnorr, Nora Kling, Tsukasa Takanashi, Kuno Kooser, Thomas Wolf et al. “Ionization dynamics of metallo-endohedral fullerenes using hard x-rays from the SACLA Free Electron Laser.” In APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, vol. 2019, pp. S01-052. 2019.
  6. Takanashi, T., N. V. Golubev, C. Callegari, H. Fukuzawa, K. Motomura, D. Iablonskyi, Y. Kumagai et al. “Time-resolved observation of interatomic Coulombic decay induced by two-photon double excitation of Ne2.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.09882 (2019).
  7. Utuq Ablikim, Cédric Bomme, Timur Osipov, Hui Xiong, Razib Obaid, René C. Bilodeau, Nora G. Kling, Ileana Dumitriu, Sven Augustin, Shashank Pathak, Kirsten Schnorr, David Kilcoyne, Nora Berrah, and Daniel Rolles “A coincidence velocity map imaging spectrometer for ions and high-energy electrons to study inner-shell photoionization of gas-phase molecules” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 055103 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5093420
  8. N. G. Kling, S. Diaz-Tendero, R. Obaid, H. Xiong, M. Sundberg, S. Khosravi, M. Davino, P. Drach, A. M. Carroll, T. Osipov, F. Martin and N. Berrah, “Time-Resolved Molecular Dynamics of Single and Double Hydrogen Migration in Ethanol” Nature comm. 10, 2813 (2019)
  9. Eva Lindroth, Francesca Calegari, Linda Young, Marion Harmand, Nirit Dudovich, Nora Berrah and Olga Smirnova “Challenges and opportunities in attosecond and XFEL science”, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 107–111 (2019)
  10. Koudai Toyota, Zoltan Jurek, Sang-Kil Son, Hironobu Fukuzawa, Kiyoshi Ueda, Nora Berrah, Benedikt Rudek, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko and Robin Santra, “Xcalib: a focal spot calibrator for intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses based on the charge state distributions of light atoms” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 26, https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577519003564 (2019).
  11. Kiyoshi Ueda, Emma Sokell, Stefan Schippers, Friedrich Aumayr, Hossein Sadeghpour, Joachim Burgdörfer, Christoph Lemell, Xiao-Min Tong, Thomas Pfeifer, Francesca Calegari, Alicia Palacios, Fernando Martin, Paul Corkum, Giuseppe Sansone, Elena Gryzlova, Alexei N. Grum-Grzhimailo, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Peter Weber, Tobias Steinle, Kasra Amini, Jens Biegert, Nora Berrah, Edwin Kukk, Robin Santra, Alfred Müller, Danielle Dowek, Robert Lucchese, Bill McCurdy, Paola Bolognesi, Lorenzo Avaldi, Till Jahnke, Markus S. Schöffler, Reinhard Dörner, Yann Mairesse, Laurent Nahon, Olga Smirnova, Thomas Schlathölter, Eleanor E. B. Campbell, Jan-Michael Rost, Michael Meyer and Kazuo A. Tanaka “Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics I. Light-matter interaction” (in press, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 2019.
  12.  Soroush D. Khosravi, Michael M. Bishop, Amy M. LaFountain, Daniel B. Turner, George N. Gibson, Harry A. Frank, and Nora Berrah, “Addition of a Carbonyl End Group Increases the Rate of Excited-State Decay in a Carotenoid via Conjugation Extension and Symmetry Breaking” J. Phys. Chem. B, 122, 48, 10872-10879 (2018) 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b06732.
  13. Li Fang, Hui Xiong, Edwin Kukk,Vladmire S. Petrovic, and Nora Berrah, “X-ray initiated photodissociation of glycine molecule” Phys. Rev. A. 98, 053408 (2018).
  14. Timur Osipov, Christoph Bostedt, J-C Castagna, Ken R Ferguson, Maximilian Bucher, Sebastian
    C Montero, Michelle L Swiggers, Razib Obaid, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, John D Bozek, and Nora Berrah, “The LAMP Instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source Free-Electron Laser”, Rev. of Sci. Instr., 89(3), 035112 (2018). ‘Editor’s pick’ section.
  15. Hui Xiong, Li Fang, Timur Osipov, Nora G. Kling, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Emily Sistrunk, Razib Obaid, Markus Gühr, and Nora Berrah “Fragmentation of endohedral fullerene Ho3N@C80 in an intense femtosecond near-infrared laser field”, Phys. Rev. A 97, 023419 (2018).
  16. Buth Christian, Beerwerth Randolf, Obaid Razib, Berrah Nora, Cederbaum Lorenz and Fritzsche Stephan “Neon in ultrashort and intense x rays from free electron lasers”, J. Phys. B 51, 055602 (2018).
  17. Kasra Amini, Evgeny Savelyev, Felix Brauße, Nora Berrah, Cedric Bomme, Mark Brouard, Michael Burt, . Lauge Christensen, Stefan Du€sterer, Benjamin Erk, Hauke H€oppner, Thomas Kierspel, Faruk Krecinic, Alexandra Lauer, Jason W. L. Lee, Maria Muller, Erland Muller, Terence Mullins, Harald Redlin, Nora Schirmel, Jan Thøgersen, Simone Techert, Sven Toleikis, Rolf Treusch, Sebastian Trippel, Anatoli Ulmer, Claire Vallance,1 Joss Wiese,Per Johnsson, Jochen Kupper,Artem Rudenko, Arnaud Rouzee, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Daniel Rolles, and Rebecca Boll, “ Photodissociation of aligned CH3I and C6H3F2I molecules probed with time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging”, Structural Dynamics, 5, 014301 (2018)
  18.  N. Berrah, “Fullerene Dynamics with X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers” Book chapter in Fullerenes and Relative Materials, Edited by Natalia Kamanina, and Published by, IntechOpen. ISBN: 978-953-51-5591-1 (2018).
  19. Razib Obaid, Christian Buth, Georgi L. Dakovski, Randolf Beerwerth, Michael Holmes, J. Aldrich, Ming-Fu Lin, Michael Minitti , Timur Osipov, William Schlotter, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Stephan Fritzsche, and Nora Berrah, “LCLS in – photon out: fluorescence measurement of neon using soft x-rays” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 034003 (2018)
  20. Li Fang. Edwin Kukk, Nora Berrah, “X-ray pump-probe investigation of molecular dynamics with free electron laser pulses”, book chapter on ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ Book Series, Vol. 2, e-ISBN: 978-84-697-9438-8, (2018)
  21. Hui Xiong, Razib Obaid, Li Fang, Cédric Bomme, Nora G. Kling, Utuq Ablikim, Vladimir Petrovic,
    Chelsea E. Liekhus-Schmaltz, Heng Li, Rene C. Bilodeau, Thomas Wolf, Timur Osipov, Daniel Rolles, and Nora Berrah, “Soft-x-ray-induced ionization and fragmentation dynamics of Sc3N@C80 investigated using an ion-ion-coincidence momentum-imaging technique”, Phys. Rev. A. 96, 033408 (2017).
  22. I. Dumitriu, R. C. Bilodeau, T. W. Gorczyca, C. W. Walter, N. D. Gibson, D. Rolles, Z. D. Pešić, A. Aguilar and N. Berrah, “Inner-Shell Photodetachment from Ni-: Giant Feshbach resonances“, Phys. Rev. A 96, 023405 (2017).
  23. Thomas J. A. Wolf, Fabian Holzmeier, Isabella Wagner, Nora Berrah, Christoph Bostedt, John Bozek, Phil Bucksbaum, Ryan Coffee, James Cryan, Joe Farrell, Raimund Feifel, Kelly Gaffney, Todd J. Martinez, Brian McFarland, Saikat Nandi, Christophe Nicolas, Jan-Michael Rost, Francesco Tarantelli, Ingo Fischer, and Markus Gühr, “Observing femtosecond fragmentation using ultrafast x-ray induced Auger spectra “, Appl. Sci, 7(7), 681; . (2017) https://doi.org/10.3390/app7070681.
  24. Nora Berrah, “A Perspective for Investigating Photo-Induced Molecular Dynamics from Within with Femtosecond Free Electron Lasers” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 19536 (2017).
  25. T. J. A. Wolf, R. H. Myhre, J. P. Cryan, S. Coriani, R. J. Squibb, A. Battistoni, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, P. Bucksbaum, G. Coslovich, R. Feifel, K. J. Gaffney, J. Grilj, T. J. Martinez, S. Miyabe, S. P. Moeller, M. Mucke, A. Natan, R. Obaid, T. Osipov, O. Plekan, S. Wang, H. Koch, M. Gühr, “Probing ultrafast ππ*/nπ* internal conversion in organic chromophores via K-edge resonant absorption”, Nature Communication, 2017, 8: 29 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00069-7 |
  26. Carlo Callegari, Tsukasa Takanashi, Hironobu Fukuzawa, Koji Motomura, Denys Iablonskyi, Yoshiaki Kumagai, Subhendu Mondal, Tetsuya Tachibana, Kiyonobu Nagaya, Toshiyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Matsunami, Per Johnsson, Paolo Piseri, Giuseppe Sansone, Antoine Dubrouil, Maurizio Reduzzi, Paolo Carpeggiani, Caterina Vozzi, Michele Devetta, Davide Faccialà, Francesca Calegari, Mattea Carmen Castrovilli, Marcello Coreno, Michele Alagia, Bernd Schütte, Nora Berrah, Oksana Plekan, Paola Finetti, Eugenio Ferrari, Kevin Charles Prince, Kiyoshi Ueda, “Application of Matched-Filter Concepts to Unbiased Selection of Data in Pump-probe Experiments with Free Electron Lasers” Appl. Sci., 7(6), 621; doi:10.3390/app7060621 (2017).
  27. Kasra Amini, Rebecca Boll, Alexandra Lauer, Michael Burt, Jason W L Lee, Lauge Christensen, Felix Branβe, Terence Mullins, Evgeny Savelyev, Utuq Ablikim, Nora Berrah, Cédric Bomme, Stefan Düsterer, Benjamin Erk, Hauke Höppner, Per Johnsson, Thomas Kierspe, Faruk Krecinic, Jochen Küpper, Maria Müller, Erland Müller, Harald Redlin, Arnaud Rouzée, Nora Schirmel, Jan Thøgersen, Simone Techert, Sven Toleikis, Rolf Treusch, Sebastian Trippel, Anatoli Ulmer, Joss Wiese, Artem Rudenko, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Mark Brouard, Daniel Rolles, “Alignment, Orientation, and Coulomb Explosion of Difluoroiodobenzene Studied with the Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry (PImMS) Camera” Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 013933 (2017).
  28. N. Berrah, Book chapter in “Fullerenes and Relative Materials”, Edited by Natalia Kamanina, and Published by IntechOpen. ISBN: 978-953-51-5591-1 (2018).
  29. Timur Osipov, Christoph Bostedt, J-C Castagna, Ken R Ferguson, Maximilian Bucher, Sebastian C Montero, Michelle L Swiggers, Razib Obaid, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko,John D Bozek, and Nora Berrah, “The LAMP Instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source Free-Electron Laser” (Review Scientific Instrument, 2018, in press).
  30. Razib Obaid, Christian Buth, Georgi L. Dakovski, Randolf Beerwerth, Michael Holmes, J. Aldrich, Ming-Fu Lin, Michael Minitti , Timur Osipov, William Schlotter, Lorenz Cederbaum, Stephan Fritzsche, and Nora Berrah, “LCLS in – photon out: fluorescence measurement of neon using soft x-rays”, J. Phys. B 51(3) (2018).
  31. Li Fang, Edwin Kukk, Nora Berrah, book chapter on XRSD ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ Book Series, Vol. 1, IFSA Publishing (Barcelona, Spain) (2017).
  32. Hui Xiong, Razib Obaid, Li Fang, Cédric Bomme, Nora G. Kling, Utuq Ablikim, Vladimir Petrovic, Chelsea E. Liekhus-Schmaltz, Heng Li, Rene C. Bilodeau, Thomas Wolf, Timur Osipov, Daniel Rolles, and Nora Berrah, “Soft-x-ray-induced ionization and fragmentation dynamics of Sc3N@C80 investigated using an ion-ion-coincidence momentum-imaging technique”, Phys. Rev. A. 96, 033408 (2017).
  33. I. Dumitriu, R. C. Bilodeau, T. W. Gorczyca, C. W. Walter, N. D. Gibson, D. Rolles, Z. D. Pešić, A. Aguilar  and N. Berrah, “Inner-Shell Photodetachment from Ni: Giant Feshbach resonance”, Phys. Rev. A 96, 023405 (2017).
  34. Thomas J. A. Wolf, Fabian Holzmeier, Isabella Wagner, Nora Berrah, Christoph Bostedt, John Bozek, Phil Bucksbaum, Ryan Coffee, James Cryan, Joe Farrell, Raimund Feifel, Kelly Gaffney, Todd J. Martinez, Brian McFarland, Saikat Nandi, Christophe Nicolas, Jan-Michael Rost, Francesco Tarantelli, Ingo Fischer, and Markus Gühr, “Observing femtosecond fragmentation using ultrafast x-ray induced Auger spectra “, Applied Science, 7(7), 681 (2017).
  35. Hui Xiong, Benoit Mignolet, Li Fang, Timur Osipov, Thomas J. A. Wolf, Emily Sistrunk, Markus Gühr, Francoise Remacle and Nora Berrah, “The Role of Super-Atom Molecular Orbitals in Doped Fullerenes in a Femtosecond Intense Laser Field” (in press Scientific Reports) Nature 7, 121 (2017).
  36. Li Fang 1, Hui Xiong, Edwin Kukk and Nora Berrah “X-ray Pump–Probe Investigation of Charge and Dissociation Dynamics in Methyl Iodine Molecule”, Appl. Sci., 7, 529 (2017); doi:10.3390/app7050529.
  37. Utuq Ablikim, Cedric Bomme, Evgeny Savelyev, Hui Xiong, Rajesh Kushawaha, Rebecca Boll, Kasra Amini, Timur Osipov, David Kilcoyne, Artem Rudenko, Nora Berrah and Daniel Rolles, “Isomer-dependent fragmentation dynamics of inner-shell photoionized difluoroiodobenzene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2017); doi: 10.1039/C7CP01379E.
  38. Sanchez-Gonzalez, P. Micaelli, C. Olivier, T. R. Barillot, M. Ilchen, A. A. Lutman, A. Marinelli, T.Maxwell, A. Achner, M. Agåker, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J. D. Bozek, J. Buck, P. H. Bucksbaum,S. Carron Montero, B. Cooper, J. P. Cryan, M. Dong, R. Feifel, L. J. Frasinski, H. Fukuzawa, A. Galler, G. Hartmann, N. Hartmann, W. Helml, A. S. Johnson, A. Knie, A. O. Lindahl, J. Liu, K.Motomura, M. Mucke, C. O’Grady, J-E. Rubensson, E. R. Simpson, R. J. Squibb, C. Såthe, K. Ueda, M. Vacher,D. J. Walke, V. Zhaunerchyk, R. N. Coffee, and J. P. Marangos, “Accurate prediction of x-ray pulse properties from a free-electron laser using machine learning” Nature communications 8, 15461 (2017).
  39. Evgeny Savelyev, Rebecca Boll, Cédric Bomme, Nora Schirmel, Harald Redlin, Benjamin Erk, Stefan Düsterer, Erland Müller, Hauke Höppner, Sven Toleikis, Jost Müller, Marie Kristin Czwalinna, Rolf Treusch, Thomas Kierspel, Terence Mullins, Sebastian Trippel, Joss Wiese, Jochen Küpper, Felix Brauβ, Faruk Krecinic, Arnaud Rouzée, Piotr Rudawski, Per Johnsson, Kasra Amini, Alexandra Lauer, Michael Burt, Mark Brouard, Lauge Christensen, Jan Thørgersen, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Nora Berrah, Maria Müller, Anatoli Ulmer, Simone Techert, Artem Rudenko, Daniel Rolles, “Jitter-Correction for IR/UV-XUV Pump-Probe Experiments at the FLASH Free-Electron Laser” New Journal of Physics, 19, 043009 (2017).
  40. Kasra Amini, Rebecca Boll, Alexandra Lauer, Michael Burt, Jason W L Lee, Lauge Christensen, Felix Brauβe, Terence Mullins, Evgeny Savelyev, Utuq Ablikim, Nora Berrah, Cédric Bomme, Stefan Düsterer, Benjamin Erk, Hauke Höppner, Per Johnsson, Thomas Kierspe, Faruk Krecinic, Jochen Küpper, Maria Müller, Erland Müller, Harald Redlin, Arnaud Rouzée, Nora Schirmel, Jan Thøgersen, Simone Techert, Sven Toleikis, Rolf Treusch, Sebastian Trippel, Anatoli Ulmer, Joss Wiese, Artem Rudenko, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Mark Brouard, Daniel Rolles, “Alignment, Orientation, and Coulomb Explosion of Difluoroiodobenzene Studied with the Pixel Imaging Mass Spectrometry (PImMS) Camera” Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 013933 (2017).
  41. Carlo Callegari, Tsukasa Takanashi, Hironobu Fukuzawa, Koji Motomura, Denys Iablonskyi, Yoshiaki Kumagai, Subhendu Mondal, Tetsuya Tachibana, Kiyonobu Nagaya, Toshiyuki Nishiyama, Kenji Matsunami, Per Johnsson, Paolo Piseri, Giuseppe Sansone, Antoine Dubrouil, Maurizio Reduzzi, Paolo Carpeggiani, Caterina Vozzi, Michele Devetta, Davide Faccialà, Francesca Calegari, Mattea Carmen Castrovilli, Marcello Coreno, Michele Alagia, Bernd Schütte, Nora Berrah, Oksana Plekan, Paola Finetti, Eugenio Ferrari, Kevin Charles Prince, Kiyoshi Ueda, “Application of Matched-Filter Concepts to Unbiased Selection of Data in Pump-probe Experiments with Free Electron Lasers” Appl. Sci., 7(6), 621; doi:10.3390/app7060621 (2017).
  42. J. A. Wolf, R. H. Myhre, J. P. Cryan, S. Coriani, R. J. Squibb, A. Battistoni, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, P. Bucksbaum, G. Coslovich, R. Feifel, K. J. Gaffney, J. Grilj, T. J. Martinez, S. Miyabe, S. P. Moeller, M. Mucke, A. Natan, R. Obaid, T. Osipov, O. Plekan, S. Wang, H. Koch, M. Gühr, “Probing ultrafast ππ*/nπ* internal conversion in organic chromophores via K-edge resonant absorption” 2017, arXiv:1610.084982017.
  43. Nora Berrah, “A Perspective for Investigating Photo-Induced Molecular Dynamics from Within with Femtosecond Free Electron Lasers” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, doi: 10.1039/c7cp01996c.
  44. T. Takanashi,  N. V. Golubev, H. Fukuzawa, K. Motomura, D. Iablonskyi,1 Y. Kumagai, S. Mondal, T. Tachibana, K. Nagaya, T. Nishiyama, K. Matsunami, P. Johnsson, P. Piseri, G. Sansone,A. Dubrouil, M. Reduzzi, P. Carpeggiani, C. Vozzi, M. Devetta, M. Negro, D. Faccial`a, F. Calegari,A. Trabattoni, M. C. Castrovilli, Y. Ovcharenko, M. Mudrich, F. Stienkemeier, M. Coreno, M. Alagia, B. Schutte, N. Berrah, C. Callegari, O. Plekan,13 P. Finetti, C. Spezzani, E. Ferrari, E. Allaria, G. Penco, C. Serpico, G. De Ninno, B. Diviacco, S. Di Mitri, L. Giannessi, G. Jabbari, K. C. Prince, L. S. Cederbaum, Ph. V. Demekhin, A. I. Kuleff, and K. Ueda “Time-Resolved Measurement of Interatomic Coulombic Decay Induced by Two-Photon Double Excitation of Ne2″, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 033202 (2017).
  45. Iablonskyi, K. Nagaya, H. Fukuzawa,K. Motomura,Y. Kumagai,1S. Mondal,T. Tachibana, T. Takanashi, T. Nishiyama, K. Matsunami, P. Johnsson, P. Piseri, G. Sansone, A. Dubrouil, M. Reduzzi, P. Carpeggiani, C. Vozzi, M. Devetta, M. Negro, F. Calegari, A. Trabattoni, M. C. Castrovilli, D. Faccialà, Y. Ovcharenko, T. Möller, M. Mudrich, F. Stienkemeier, M. Coreno, M. Alagia, B. Schütte, N. Berrah, A. I. Kuleff, G. Jabbari, C. Callegari, O. Plekan, P. Finetti, C. Spezzani, E. Ferrari, E. Allaria, G. Penco, C. Serpico, G. De Ninno, I. Nikolov, B. Diviacco, S. Di Mitri, L. Giannessi, K. C. Prince, and K. Ueda, “Slow Interatomic Coulombic Decay of Multiply Excited Neon Clusters”, Phys. Rev. Let.  117, 276806  (2017).
  46. Utuq Ablikim, Cédric Bomme, Hui Xiong, Evgeny Savelyev, Razib Obaid,Balram Kaderiya, Sven Augustin, Kirsten Schnorr, Ileana Dumitriu, Timur Osipov,René Bilodeau, David Kilcoyne, Vinod Kumarappan, Artem Rudenko, Nora Berrah, Daniel Rolles,” Identification of absolute geometries of cis and trans molecular isomers by Coulomb Explosion Imaging”, Scientific Reports 6, 38202 (2016).
  47. lberto A. Lutman, Timothy J. Maxwell, James P. MacArthur, Marc W. Guetg, Nora Berrah, Ryan N. Coffee, Yuantao Ding, Zhirong Huang, Agostino Marinelli, Stefan Moeller & Johann C. U. Zemella “Fresh-slice multicolour X-ray free-electron lasers” Nat. Photonics 10 745 (2016).
  48. C. S. Lehmann, A. Picon, C. Bostedt, A. Rudenko, A. Marinelli, D. Moonshiram, T. Osipov, D. Rolles, N.   Berrah, C. Bomme, M. Bucher, G. Doumy, B. Erk, K. Ferguson, T. Gorkhover, P. J. Ho, E. P. Kanter, B. Krassig, J. Krzywinski, A. A. Lutman, A. M. March, D. Ray, L. Young, S. T. Pratt, and S. H. Southworth, “Ultrafast measurements for molecular nuclear dynamics using two x-ray pulses”, Phys. Rev. A, 94 013426 (2016).
  49. Nora Berrah, Li Fang, Brendan F Murphy, Edwin Kukk, Timur Y. Osipov, Ryan Coffee, Ken R Ferguson, Hui Xiong, Jean-Charles Castagna, Vlad S Petrovic, Sebastian Carron Montero, and John D. Bozek , “A two mirrors x-ray pulse split and delay instrument for femtosecond time resolved investigations at the LCLS free electron laser facility” Optics Express 24 (11), 11768-11781 (2016).
  50. H. Bucksbaum and N. Berrah, “Brighter and faster: the promise and challenge of the x-ray free electron laser”, reproduced in Parity 6, 14 (2016).
  51. A. Picon, C. S. Lehmann, C. Bostedt, A. Rudenko, A. Marinelli, T. Osipov, D. Rolles, N. Berrah, C. Bomme, M. Bucher, G. Doumy, B. Erk, K. R. Ferguson, T.Gorkhover, P. J. Ho, E. P. Kanter, B. Krassig, J. Krzywinski, A. A. Lutman, A.M. March, D. Moonshiram, D. Ray, L. Young, S. T. Pratt, and S. H. Southworth, “Hetero-site-specific ultrafast intramolecular dynamics”, Nature Comm. 7, 11652( 2016).
  52. Liu, Ji-Cai; Berrah, Nora; Cederbaum, Lorenz; Cryan, James; Glownia, James; Schafer, Kenneth; Buth, Christian “Rate equations for nitrogen molecules in ultrashort and intense x-ray pulses ” J. Phys. B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49,075602 (2016) doi:10.1088/0953-4075/49/7/075602.
  53. Nora Berrah, “Molecular Dynamics Induced by Short and Intense X-rays Pulses from the LCLS” Physica Scripta T169 (2016) (Article based on an invited talk at the Nobel Symposium, Stigtuna, Stockholm, Sweden, June 15, 2015).
  54.  P. Bolognesi, P. O’Keeffe, T. Mazza, J. Bozek, R. Coffee, C. Bostedt, S. Schorb,S. Carron, R. Feifel,M. Mucke, M. Guehr, E. F. Sistrunk, J. Grilj, B. K. McFarland, M. Koch, M. Larsson, P. Salem, N. Berrah, L. Fang, T. Osipov, B. Murphy, R. R. Lucchese, M. Meyer, M.N. Piancastelli, K. Ueda, S. Mondal, C. Miron, R. Richter, K.C. Prince, O. Takahashi and L. Avaldi, “A study of the dynamical energy flow in uracil”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 112062 (2015).
  55. Sanchez-Gonzalez, Alvaro; Barillot, Thomas; Squibb, Richard; Kolorenc, Premysl; Agaker, Markus; Averbukh, Vitali; Bearpark, Michael; Bostedt, Christoph; Bozek, John; Bruce, Sandra; Carron Montero, Sebastian; Coffee, Ryan; Cooper, Bridgette; Cryan, James; Dong, Minjie; Eland, John; Fang, Li; Fukuzawa, Hironobu; Guehr, Markus; Ilchen, Markus; Johnson, Allan; Liekhus-S, Chelsea; Marinelli, Agostino; Maxwell, Timothy; Motomura, K.; Mucke, Melanie; Natan, Adi; Osipov, Timur; Ostlin, Christopher; Pernpointner, Markus; Petrovic, Vladimir; Robb, Mike; Sathe, Conny; Simpson, Emma; Underwood, Jonathan; Vacher, Morgane; Walke, Daniel; Wolf, Thomas; Zhaunerchyk, Vitali; Rubensson, Jan-Erik; Berrah, Nora; Bucksbaum, Phil; Ueda, Kiyoshi; Feifel, Raimund; Frasinski, L; Marangos, J, “Auger electron and photoabsorption spectra of glycine in the vicinity of the oxygen K-edge measured with an X-FEL” Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 234004 (2015).
  56. Zhaunerchyk, M. Kaminska, M. Mucke, R.J. Squibb, J.H.D. Eland M.N. Piancastelli, L.J. Frasinski, J. Grilj, M. Koch, B.K. McFarland, E. Sistrunk, M. Guhr, R.N. Coffee, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bozek, P. Salen, P. v.d. Meulen, P. Linusson, R.D. Thomas, M. Larsson, L. Foucar, J. Ullrich, K. Motomura, S. Mondal, K. Ueda, P. O’Keeffe, R. Richter, K.C. Prince, O. Takahashi, T. Osipov, L. Fang, B.F. Murphy, N. Berrah, and R. Feifel, “Disentangling formation of multiple-core holes in aminophenol molecules exposed to bright XFEL radiation ”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 244003 (2015).
  57. A Dubrouil, M Reduzzi, M Devetta, C Feng, J Hummert, P Finetti, O Plekan, C Grazioli, M Di Fraia, V Lyamayev, A La Forge, R Katzy, F Stienkemeier, Y Ovcharenko, M Coreno, N Berrah, K Motomura, S Mondal, K Ueda, K C Prince, C Callegari, A I Kuleff Ph V Demekhin, G Sansone, “Two-photon resonant excitation of interatomic coulombic decay in neon dimers”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 204005 (2015).
  58. Berrah and P. H. Bucksbaum, “The Ultimate X-ray Machine” Scientific American Special Collector’s edition, 54, (2015).
  59. Berrah, B. Murphy, H. Xiong, L. Fang, T. Osipov, E. Kukk, M. Guehr, R. Feifel, V. S. Petrovic, K. R. Ferguson, J. D. Bozek, C. Bostedt, L. J. Frasinski, P. H. Bucksbaum and J. C. Castagna , “Femtosecond x-ray induced fragmentation of fullerenes” J. of Mod. Opt.,Vol. 63, No. 4, 390–401  doi: 10.1080/09500340.2015.1064175 (2015).
  60. Bucksbaum & N. Berrah, Physics Today, 68 (7), 26 July 2015.
  61. Berrah and L. Fang “Chemical Analysis: Double Core-Hole Spectroscopy with Free-Electron Lasers” J. Electr. Spect. And Rel. Phenom. 204, 284–289 (2015).
  62. E. Liekhus-Schmaltz, I. Tenney, T. Osipov, A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, N. Berrah, R. Boll, et al., P.H. Bucksbaum, V. Petrovic et al.,“Ultrafast Isomerization Initiated by X-Ray Core Ionization” Nature Comm. 6, 8199, doi:10.1038/ncomms9199 (2015).
  63. Mucke, V. Zhaunerchyk, L.J. Frasinski, R.J.Squibb, M. Siano, J.H.D. Eland, P. Linusson, P. Salen, P. v.d. Meulen, R.D. Thomas, M. Larsso3, L. Foucar, J. Ullrich, K. Motomura, S. Mondal, K.Ueda, T. Osipov, L. Fang;12, B.F. Murphy, N Berrah, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bozek, S. Schorb, M.Messerschmidt, J.M. Glownia, J.P. Cryan, R.N. O. Takahashi, S. Wada, M.N. Piancastelli, R. Richter, K.C. Prince, and R. Feife, “Covariance mapping of two-photon double core hole states in C2H2 and C2H6 produced by an X-ray free electron laser” New Journal of Physics, 17, 073002, doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/7/073002, (2015).
  64. Penent, M. Nakano, M. Tashiro, T. P. Grozdanov, M. Žitnik, K. Bucar, S. Carniato, P. Selles, L. Andric, P. Lablanquie, J. Palaudoux, E. Shigemasa, H. Iwayama, Y. Hikosaka, K. Soejima, I.H. Suzuki, N. Berrah, A. Wuosmaa, T. Kaneyasu and K. Ito, “Double core hole spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation” J. Electr. Spect. and Relat. Phenom. 204, 303–312, doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2015.06.015, (2015).
  65. Dubrouil, M. Reduzzi, M. Devetta, C. Feng, J. Hummert, P. Finetti, O. Plekan, C. Grazioli, M. Di Fraia, V. Lyamayev, A. La Forge, R. Katzy, F. Stienkemeier, Y. Ovcharenko, M. Coreno, N. Berrah, K. Motomura, S. Monda, K. Ueda, K. C. Prince, C. Callegari, A. I Kuleff, Ph .V Demekhin and G. Sansone, “Two-photon resonant excitation of interatomic coulombic decay in neon dimers ”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 204005, doi:10.1088/0953-4075/48/20/204005, (2015).
  66. L Fang, Z Jurek, T Osipov, B F Murphy, R Santra, and N Berrah, “Investigating Dynamics of Complex System Irradiated by Intense X-ray Free Electron Laser Pulses”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 601, 012006 (2015).
  67. Ann Marks, Cathy Foley, Adriana Predoi-Cross, Nora Berrah “Girls and Physics: Four Contrasting National Situations”, La Physique au Canada, 71, No. 2 (2015).
  68. Marc. Humphrey, Paul V. Pancella and Nora Berrah, “Idiot’s Guides for Quantum Physics”, ALPHA Books publishing, ISBN 97781615643172, Jan 6, 2015.
  69. B.F. Murphy, T. Osipov, Z. Jurek, L. Fang, S.-K. Son, L. Avaldi, P. Bolognesi, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, R. Coffee, J. Eland, M. Guehr, J. Farrell, R. Feifel, L. Frasinski, J. Glownia, D.T. Ha, K. Hoffmann, E. Kukk, B. McFarland, C. Miron, M. Mucke, R. Squibb, K. Udea, R. Santra, and N. Berrah “Bucky ball explosion by intense femtosecond x-ray pulses: a model system for complex molecules,” Nature Comm., 5, 4281 (2014).
  70. B.K. McFarland, J.P. Farrell, S. Miyabe, F. Tarantelli, A. Aguilar, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, P.H. Bucksbaum, J.C. Castagna, R. Coffee, J. Cryan, L. Fang, R. Feifel, K. Gaffney, J. Glownia, T. Martinez, M. Mucke, B. Murphy, A. Natan, T. Osipov, V. Petrovic, S. Schorb, Th. Schultz, L. Spector, M. Swiggers, I. Tenney, S. Wang, W. White, J. White, and M. Gühr “Delayed Ultrafast X-ray Auger Probing (DUXAP) of Nucleobase Ultraviolet Photoprotection, Nature Communication, 5, 4235 (2014).
  71. N. Berrah, L. Fang, T. Osipov, Z. Jurek, B.F. Murphy, and R. Sandra, Faraday Discussion, “Emerging photon technologies for probing ultrafast molecular dynamics” Faraday Dis., 171 (1), 471 – 485 (2014).
  72. L. Fang, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, V. Petrovich, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bozek, P. Bucksbaum and N. Berrah “Probing ultrafast electronic and molecular dynamics with free electron lasers” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 124006 (2014)
  73. M. Mucke, V. Zhaunerchyk, R.J. Squibb, M. Kamiska, J.H.D. Eland, P. v.d.Meulen, P. Salén, P. Linusson, R.D. Thomas, M. Larson, L.J. Frasinski, M. Siano, T. Osipov, L. Fang, B. Murphy, N. Berrah, L. Foucar, J. Ullrich, K. Motomura, S. Mondal, K. Ueda, R. Richter, K.C. Prince, M.N. Piancastelli, M. Glownia, J. Cryan, R. Coffee, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, S. Schorb, M. Messerschmidt, O. Takahashi, S. Wada, and R. Feifel, “Mapping the decay of double core hole states of atoms and molecules”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488, 032021 (2014).
  74. N. Berrah, L. Fang, T. Osipov, B. Murph, C. Bostedt and J.D. Bozek, “Multiphoton Ionization and Fragmentation of Molecules with the LCLS X-Ray FEL” J.Elec. Spect. and Rel. Phen., 196, 34-37 (2014).
  75. N. Berrah and P. H. Bucksbaum, “The Ultimate X-ray Machine” Scientific American, 310, 64, January 2014.
  76. B.K. McFarland, N. Berrah ,C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, P. H. Bucksbaum, J. C. Castagna, R. N. Coffee, J. P. Cryan, L. Fang, J. P. Farrell, R. Feifel, K. J. Gaffney, J. M. Glownia, T. J. Martinez, S. Miyabe,M. Mucke, B. Murphy, A. Natan, T. Osipov , V. S. Petrović, S. Schorb, Th.Schultz, L. S. Spector, M. Swiggers, F. Tarantelli, I. Tenney, S. Wang, J. L. White, W. White, and M Gühr, “Experimental strategies for optical pump – soft x-ray probe experiments at the LCLS”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser488, 012015 (2014)
  77. R. C. Bilodeau, N. D. Gibson, C. W. Walter, D. A. Esteves-Macaluso, S. Schippers, A. Muller, R. A. Phaneuf, A. Aguilar, M. Hoener, J. M. Rost, and N. Berrah, “Single-Photon Multiple-Detachment in Fullerene Negative Ions: Absolute Ionization Cross Sections and the Role of the Extra Electro, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111,043003 (2013)
  78. L.J. Frasinski, V. Zhaunerchyk, M. Mucke, R.J. Squipp, M. Siano, J.H.D. Eland, P. Linusson, P.v.d. Meulen, P. Salén, R.D. Thomas, M. Larsson, L. Foucar, J. Ullrich, K. Motomura, S. Mondal, K. Ueda, T. Osipov, L. Fang, B.F. Murphy, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bozek, S. Schorb, M. Messerschmidt, .M. Glownia, J.P. Cryan, R.N. Coffee, O. Takahashi, S. Wada, M.N. Piancastelli, R. Richter, K.C. Prince, and R. Feifel Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 073002 (2013).
  79. V. Zhaunerchyk, M. Mucke, P. Salén, P.v.d. Meulen, M. Kaminska, R.J. Squipp, L.J. Frasinski, M. Siano, J.H.D. Eland, P. Linusson, R.D. Thomas, M. Larsson, L. Foucar, J. Ullrich, K. Motomura, S. Mondal, K. Ueda, T. Osipov, L. Fang, B.F. Murphy, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bozek, S. Schorb, M. Messerschmidt, J.M. Glownia, J.P. Cryan, R.N. Coffee, O. Takahashi, S. Wada, M.N. Piancastelli, R. Richter, K.C. Prince, and R. Feifel J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 164034 (2013).
  80. C. Bostedt, J. D. Bozek, P. H. Bucksbaum, R. N. Coffee, J. B. Hastings, Z. Huang, R. W. Lee, S. Schorb, J. N. Corlett, P. Denes, P. Emma, R. W. Falcone, R. W. Schoenlein, G. Doumy, E. P. Kanter, B. Kraessig, S. Southworth, L. Young, L. Fang, M. Hoener, N. Berrah, C. Roedig, and L. F. DiMauro, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 164003 (2013).
  81. T Osipov, L Fang, B Murphy, F Tarantelli, E R Hosler, E Kukk, J D Bozek, C Bostedt, E P Kanter and N Berrah, ” Multiphoton ionization and fragmentation of SF6 induced by intense free electron laser pulses”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 , 164032 (2013).
  82. M Larsson, P Salén, P van der Meulen, H T Schmidt, R D Thomas, R Feifel, M N Piancastelli, L Fang, B Murphy, T Osipov, N Berrah, E Kukk, K Ueda, J D Bozek, C Bostedt, S Wada, R Richter, V Feyerand K C Prince “Double core-hole formation in small molecules at the LCLS free electron laser” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 164030 (2013).
  83. J.C. Castagna, B. Murphy, J. Bozek, and N. Berrah, “X-ray split and delay for soft x-rays at LCLS”. Journal of Physics:Conference Series 425 152021, (2013).
  84. B. Murphy, J.C. Castagna, J.D. Bozek and N. Berrah, “Mirror-based soft x-ray split and delay system for femtosecond pump-probe experiments at LCLS, Proc. SPIE 8504; X-ray Free Electron lasers: beam Diagnostics, Beamline instrumentation and applications, 850409 (2012).
  85. L. Fang, T. Osipov, B. Murphy, F. Tarantelli, E. Kukk, J.P. Cryan, M. Glownia, P.H. Bucksbaum, R.N. Coffee, M. Chen, C. Buth, and N. Berrah, “Multiphoton Ionization as a Clock to Reveal Molecular Dynamics with Intense Short X-ray Free Electron Laser Pulses”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 263001 (2012).
  86. B. F. Murphy, L. Fang, M.-H. Chen, J. D. Bozek, E. Kukk, E. P. Kanter, M. Messerschmidt, T. Osipov, and N. Berrah,“ Multiphoton L-Shell Ionization ofH2S using Intense X-ray Pulses from theLCLS Free Electron Laser”Phys. Rev. A 86, 053423 (2012).
  87. B. Rudek, S. Kil Son, L. Foucar,S. W. Epp, B. Erk, R. Hartmann, M. Adolph, R. Andritschke, A. Aquila, N. Berrah, et al.“Ultra-Efficient Ionization of Heavy Atoms by Intense X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Pulses, Nature Photonics 6, 865 (2012).
  88. R.C. Bilodeau, N.D. Gibson, C.W. Walter, A. Aguilar, N. Berrah, “Inner-shell photodetachment: Shape and Feshbach resonances of anions”, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 185 219– 225 (2012).
  89. V. S. Petrović, M. Siano, J.L. White, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J. D. Bozek, D. Broege, M. Chalfin, R. N. Coffee, J. Cryan, L. Fang, J. P. Farrell, L. J Frasinski, J. M. Glownia, M. Gühr, M. Hoener, D.M. P. Holland, J. Kim, J. P. Marangos, T. Martinez, B. K. McFarland, R. S. Minns, S. Miyabe, S. Schorb, R. J. Sension, L. S. Spector, R. Squibb, H. Tao, J. G. Underwood, and P. H. Bucksbaum “Transient X-ray fragmentation: Probing a prototypical photoinduced ring opening”, Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 253006, (2012).
  90. Christian Buth, Ji-Cai Liu, Mau Hsiung Chen, L. Fang, M. Hoener, N. Berrah, “Ultrafast absorption of intense x rays by nitrogen molecules”, J. Chem. Phys.136, 214310 (2012)
  91. P. Salen, P. van der Meulen, H.T. Schmidt, R.D. Thomas, M. Larsson, R. Feifel, M.N. Piancastelli, L. Fang, B. Murphy, T. Osipov, N. Berrah, E. Kukk, K. Ueda, J.D. Bozek, C. Bostedt, S. Wada, R. Richter, V. Feyer and K.C. Prince, “X-ray FEL-induced Two-Site Double Core-Hole Formation for Chemical Analysis”, Phys. Rev. Lett.PRL 108, 153003 (2012)
  92. H. Thomas, A. Helal, K. Hoffmann, N. Kandadai, J. Keto, J. Andreasson, B. Iwan, M. Seibert, N. Timneanu, J. Hajdu, M. Adolph, T. Gorkhover, D. Rupp, S. Schorb, T. Möller, G. Doumy, L.F. DiMauro, M. Hoener, B. Murphy, N. Berrah, M. Messerschmidt, J. Bozek, C. Bostedt and T. Ditmire, “Explosions of Xe-clusters in ultra-intense femtosecond x-ray pulses from the LCLS Free Electron Laser”, Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 133401 (2012).
  93. James P. Cryan, J. M. Glownia, Andreasson, A. Belkacem, N. Berrah, C. I. Blaga, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, N. A. Cherepkov, L. F. DiMauro, L. Fang, O. Gessner, M. Guehr, J. Hajdu, M. P. Hertlein, M. Hoener, O. Kornilovy, J. P. Marangos, A. M. March, B. K. McFarland, H. Merdji, M. Messerschmidt, V. Petrovic, C. Raman, D. Ray, D. Reis, S. K. Semenov, M. Trigo, J. L. White, W. White, L. Young,P. H. Bucksbaum, and R. N. Coffee,Molecular frame Auger electron energy spectrum from N2 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 055601 (2012).
  94. T.Y. Osipov, L. Fang, B.F. Murphy, M. Hoener, and N. Berrah, “X-Ray FEL Induced Double Core-Hole and High Charge State Production”,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 012030,(2012).
  95. L. Fang, T. Osipov, B. Murphy,et al. and N. Berrah, Multiple ionization and double core-hole production in molecules using the LCLS x-ray FEL” ”,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 032028,(2012).
  96. T. Osipov, D. Rolles, C. Bostedt, J-C. Castagna, R. Hartman, J. D. Bozek, I. Schlichting, L. Struder, J. Ullrich and N. Berrah, “Next generation endstation for concurrent measurements of charged products and photons in LCLS FEL experiments” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 142025(2012).
  97. P. Salen, P. van der Meulen, R. D. Thomas, H. T. Smith, M. Larsson, R. Feifel, L. Fang, T. Osipov, B. Murphy, N. Berrah, et al. “X-ray FEL-induced double core hole formation in ployatomic molecules, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 388, 022083 (2012)
  98. B.F. Murphy, L. Fang, T.Y. Osipov, M. Hoener, and N. Berrah, “Intense X-ray FEL-Molecule Physics: Highly Charged Ions” the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings of ICAPiP, 1438, 249 (2012).
  99. B.F. Murphy, J. Bozek, J.C. Castagna, and N. Berrah, “Split and Delay System for Soft X-ray Pump/ Soft X-ray Probe Experiments at the LCLS Free Electron Laser”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388 142003 (2012).
  100. Philip H. Bucksbaum, Ryan Coffee, and Nora Berrah, “The First Atomic and Molecular Experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source X-Ray Free Electron Laser” Book Chapter, Elsevier Inc., Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 60, p. 240 (2011).
  101. N. Berrah, R.C. Bilodeau, I. Dumitriu, D. Toffoli, and R. R. Lucchese, “Shape and Feshbach Resonances in Inner-Shell Photodetachment of Negative Ions, J. Elect. Spectr. and Relat. Phen., Kai Siegbahn Memorial Volume 183 pp 64-69. (2011)
  102. L. Fang, M. Hoener, N. Berrah, “Ultra intense x-ray induced non-linear processes in Molecular nitrogen”, J. of Physics, 288, 012019(2011)
  103. N. Berrah, L. Fang, T. Osipov, B. Murphy, E. Kukk, K. Ueda, R. Feifel, P. van der Meulen, P. Salen, H. Schmidt, R. Thomas,M. Larsson, R. Richter, K. C. Prince,J. D. Bozek, C. Bostedt, S. Wada, M. Piancastelli,M. Tashiro, M. Ehara, “Double Core-Hole Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis with an Intense X-Ray Femtosecond Laser”Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA(PNAS), 108, issue 41, 16912 (2011).
  104. E. P. Kanter, B. Krassig, Y. Li, A. M. March, N. Rohringer, R. Santra, S. H. Southworth,L. F. DiMauro, G. Doumy, C. A. Roedig, N. Berrah, L. Fang, M. Hoener, P. H. Bucksbaum, S. Ghimire, D. A. Reis, J. D. Bozek, C. Bostedt, M. Messerschmidt, L. Young, “Modifying Auger Decay with Femtosecond X-ray Pulses” Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 233001 (2011).
  105. G. Doumy, C. Roedig, S.-K. Son, C. I. Blaga, A. D. DiChiara, R. Santra, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, J. D. Bozek, P. H. Bucksbaum, J. P. Cryan, L. Fang, S. Ghimire, J. M. Glownia, M. Hoener, E. P. Kanter, B. Krässig, M. Kuebel, M. Messerschmidt, G. G. Paulus, D. A. Reis, N. Rohringer, L. Young, P. Agostini, and L. F. DiMauro, “Nonlinear Atomic Response to Intense Ultrashort X Rays”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 083002 (2011).
  106. O. Gessner, O. Kornilov, M. Hoener, L. Fang, and N. Berrah, “Intense Femtosecond X-ray Photoionization Studies of Nitrogen – How Molecules interact with Light from the LCLS” in Ultrafast Phenomena XVII, M. Chergui, D. M. Jonas, E. Riedle, R. W. Schoenlein, A. J. Taylor, Eds.,Oxford University Press, 47 (2011).
  107. I. Dumitriu, R. C. Bilodeau, T. W. Gorczyca, C. W. Walter, N. D. Gibson, Z. D. Pesic, D. Rolles and N. Berrah, “Inner-shell photodetachment from Ru-“, Phys. Rev. A. 82, 043434 (2010).
  108. J. M. Glownia, J. Cryan, J. Andreasson,A. Belkacem, N. Berrah,C. I. Blaga, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, L. F. DiMauro, L. Fang,J. Frisch, O. Gessner, M. Gühr , J. Hajdu, M. P. Hertlein,M. Hoener,G. Huang,O. Kornilov,J. P. Marangos, A. M. March, B. K. McFarland, H. Merdji,V. S. Petrovic,C. Raman, D. Ray,D. A. Reis, M. Trigo,J. L. White, W. White, R. Wilcox, L. Young,R. N. Coffee, and P. H. Bucksbaum, “Time-Resolved Pump-Probe Experiments at the LCLS” Optics Express, Vol. 18, Issue 17, pp. 17620-17630 (2010).
  109. J. P. Cryan, J. M. Glownia, J. Andreasson, A. Belkacem, N. Berrah, C. I. Blaga, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, C. Buth, L. F. DiMauro, L. Fang, O. Gessner, M. Guehr, J. Hajdu, M. P. Hertlein, M. Hoener, O.Kornilov, J. P. Marangos,11 A. M. March,12, B. K. McFarland, H. Merdji, V. Petrovic, C. Raman, D. Ray, D. Reis, F. Tarantelli, M. Trigo, J. White, W. White, L. Young, P. H. Bucksbaum,and R. N. Coffee, “Auger electron angular distribution of double core hole states in the molecular reference frame”, Phys. Rev. Lett; 105, 083004 (2010).
  110. L. Fang, M. Hoener, O. Gessner, F. Tarantelli, S.T. Pratt, O. Kornilov, C. Buth, M. Guehr, E.P. Kanter, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bozek, P.H. Bucksbaum, M.Chen, R. Coffee, J. Cryan, M. Glownia, E. Kukk, S.R. Leone, and N. Berrah, “Double core hole production in N2: Beating the Auger clock”, Phys. Rev. Lett 105,083005 (2010).
  111. Z. D. Pesic, D. Rolles, I. Dumitriu, and N. Berrah, “Fragmentation Dynamics of Gas-Phase Furan Following K-shell Ionization” Phys. Rev. A 82, 013401 (2010).
  112. N. Berrah, J. Bozek, J. T. Costello, S. Düstererd, L. Fanga, J. Feldhausd, H. Fukuzawae, M. Hoenera, Y. H. Jiang; P. Johnsson, E. T. Kennedy, M. Meyer,; R. Moshammer, P. Radcliffed, M. Richter, A. Rouzée; A. Rudenko, . A. Sorokind,K. Tiedtke,K. Ueda,. Ullrich,M. J. J. Vrakking “Non-linear processes in the interaction of atoms and molecules with intense EUV and X-ray fields from SASE free electron lasers (FELs)” Journal of Modern Optics, Topical Review, 57, Issue 12, Pages 1015-1040 (2010).
  113. M. Hoener, L. Fang, O. Kornilov, O. Gessner, S.T. Pratt, M. Guehr, E.P. Kanter, C. Blaga, C. Bostedt, J.D. Bozek, P.H. Bucksbaum, C. Buth, M. Chen, R.Coffee, J. Cryan, L. DiMauro, M. Glownia, E. Hosler, E. Kukk, S.R. Leone, B.McFarland, M. Messerschmidt, B. Murphy, V. Petrovic, D. Rolles, and N. Berrah, “Ultra-intense X-ray Induced Ionization, Dissociation and Frustrated Absorption in Molecular Nitrogen” Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 253002 (2010). First published work from x-ray FEL/LCLS. With accompanying Physics SynopsisMolecular snapshots with femtosecond x rays
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