S. B. Whitfield, B. Langer, J. Viefhaus, R. Wehlitz, N. Berrah, W. Mahler and U. Becker, “The Photon Energy Dependence of the 5p4 nd (2S1/2)(n = 5-7) Correlation Satellites in Xe from 40.8 to 150 eV,” J. Physics B: At. Mol. Phys. 27, L359-L366 (1994).
R. Wehlitz, B. Langer, N. Berrah, S. B. Whitfield, J. Viefhaus, and U. Becker, “Angular Distributions of Helium Satellites He+ nl (n=2-7),” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 26 L783-788 (1993)(Letter).
N. Berrah, F. Heizer, R. Wehlitz, J. Levin, S. B. Whitfield, J. Viefhaus, and U. Becker, “Energy Dependence of Double Photoionization of He at Intermediate Energies,” Rapid Comm. PRA 48, R1733, (1993).
N. Berrah, F. Heizer, R. Wehlitz, J. Levin, S. B. Whitfield, J. Viefhaus, and U. Becker, “Energy Dependence of Double Photoionization of He,” Journal de Physique 3, 197 (1993).
D. Cubaynes, J. M. Bizau, C. Marienelli, T. J. Morgan, J. Novak, M. Rahler, B. Rourellou, F. Schlachter, N. Berrah and F. Wuilleumier, “First Measurement of the Asymmetry Parameter β for Electrons from the 3p Excited States,” AMS (Press Inc, Proceedings of IWP 92 in Berlin, Germany) pp. 179.
J. C. Levin, I. A. Sellin, N. Berrah, D. W. Lindle, R. D. Mill, Y. Azuma, B. M. Johnson and H. G. Berry, “Photoionization of Helium over Extended Energy Ranges,” AMS Press Inc (Proceedings of the International Workshop in Photoionization (IWP, 1992), Berlin, Germany) pp. 141.
S. Bobashev and N. Berrah, “NATO Institute on Soft X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation,” Synchrotron Radiation News, 5, 6 (1992).
M. L. A. Raphaelian, H. G. Berry, N. Berrah and D. Schneider, “Double Electron Capture in Ne8+ – He Collision at Intermediate Energies,” Phys. Rev. A 48, 1292 (1993).
J. C. Levin, I. A. Sellin, B. M. Johnson, D. W. Lindle, R. D. Miller, N. Berrah, Y. Azuma, H. G. Berry, and D. H. Lee, “High-Energy Behavior of the Double Photoionization of Helium From 2 to 1 keV,” Phys. Rev. A 47, R16 (1993). (Rapid Comm.).
N. Berrah Mansour, C. Kurtz, L. Young, D. R. Beck and D. Datta “Laser-rf Double-Resonance Measurements of the Hyperfine Structure in 49Ti II,” Phys. Rev. A 46, 5774 (1992).
I. A. Sellin, J. C. Levin, R. D. Miller, N. Keller, Y. Azuma, H. G. Berry, N. Berrah, and D. Lindle, “Comparison of Double to Single Ionization in He by Photons and by Charged Projectiles,” Proceedings of the Spring-8 Workshop on Atomic Physics at High Brilliance Synchrotron Radiation Facilities, March 23-24, 1992, Japan Castle Research Center, Himeji, Japan (Inst. of Physics and Chemistry Research, Riken) p. 145-155.
S. D. Kravis, D. A. Church, B. M. Johnson, M. Meron, K. W. Johnes, J. C. Levin, I. A. Sellin, Y. Azuma, N. Berrah Mansour and H. G. Berry, “Inner Shell Photoionization of Stored Positive Ions Using Synchrotron Radiation,” Phys. Rev. A 45, 6379 (1992).
R. W. Dunford, C. J. Liu, J. Last, N. Berrah Mansour, R. C. Pardo, M. L. A. Raphaelian, L. Young, B. J. Zabransky and L. J. Curtis, “Precision Spectroscopic Measurements in Few-Electrons Ions,” Vth Intern. Conf. on the Physics of Highly-Charged Ions, Geissen, West Germany, 10-14 Sept., 1990, Z. Phys. D-Atoms Molecules, and Clusters, Vol. 21, S13-16 (1991).
N. Berrah Mansour, T. P. Dinneen, C. Kurtz, T. Steimele, G. Goodman and L. Young, “Laser Rf Double Resonance Measurements of the State in ,” Phys. Rev. A 44, 4418 (1991).
J. C. Levin, D. W. Lindle, C. Biedermann, N. Keller, R. D. Miller, I. A. Sellin, N. Berrah Mansour, and Y. Azuma, “Double Photoionization of Helium at 2.8 keV,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 968 (1991).
S. D. Kravis, D. A. Church, B. M. Johnson, J. C. Levin, Y. Azuma, I. A. Sellin, M. Meron, K. W. Johnes, M. Druetta, N. Berrah Mansour, H. G. Berry and R. T. Short, “Sequential Photoionization of Ions Using Synchrotron Radiation and a Penning Trap,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2956 (1991).
R. W. Dunford, C. J. Liu, J. Last, N. Berrah Mansour, R. Vondrask, D. A. Church, and L. J. Curtis, “Direct Observation of Hyperfine Quenching of the 23P0 Level in Helium-like Nickel,” Rapid Comm. in Phys. Rev. A44, 764 (1991).
T. P. Dinneen, N. Berrah Mansour, H. G. Berry, L. Young and R. C. Pardo, “Precision Measurements of the QED effects in Helium-like Boron,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2859 (1991).
T. P. Dinneen, N. Berrah Mansour, and L. Young, “Stimulated Raman Measurements of the Hyperfine Structure in YII,” Phys. Rev. A 43, 4824 (1991).
S. D. Kravis, B. M. Johnson, Y. Azuma, J. Levin, I. A. Sellin, M. Meron, K. W. Jones, M. Druetta, N. Berrah Mansour, R. T. Short, and D. A. Church, “Electron Transfer Collision Studies on Stored Ions Produced by Synchrotron Radiation,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B56/57, 417 (1991).
S. D. Kravis, D.A. Church, B. M. Johnson, J. C. Levin, Y. Azuma, I. A. Sellin, M. Meron, K. W. Jones, M. Druetta, N. Berrah Mansour, H. G. Berry and R. T. Short, “Sequential Photoionization of Ions Using Synchrotron Radiation and a Penning Trap,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B56/57, 396 (1991).
M. L. A. Raphaelian, H. G. Berry, N. Berrah Mansour and D. Schneider, “Nonresonant Transfer and Excitation in Ne6+-He Collisions at Intermediate Energies,” Rapid Comm., Phys. Rev. A 43, (1991).
C. J. Liu, N. Berrah Mansour, Y. Azuma, H. G. Berry, D. A. Church, R. W. Dunford, and M. Westerlind, “Spin Polarized N4+ Ion Beam After Electron Capture of N5+ From a Polarized Sodium Target,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1354 (1990).
R. W. Dunford, C. J. Liu, N. Berrah Mansour, Y. Azuma, H. G. Berry, D. A. Church, T. P. Dinneen, and B. J. Zabransky, “Polarized Targets for Atomic Physics Experiments with Highly-Charged Ions,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B43, 459 (1989).
N. Berrah Mansour, T. Dinneen, and L. Young, “High Precision Measurements of Hyperfine Structure in TmII, N2+, and ScII,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B40/41, 252 (1989).
L. Young, N. Berrah Mansour, and T. Dinneen, “Laser/Rf Spectroscopic Techniques in Fast Ion Beams,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B40/41, 860 (1989).
N. Berrah Mansour, T. Dinneen, and L. Young, “Laser-Rf Double Resonance Measurements of the Hyperfine Structure in ScII,” Phys. Rev. A 39, 5762 (1989).
L. Young, T. Dinneen, and N. Berrah Mansour, “Stimulated Resonance for Ion Spectroscopy: An Alternative to Laser-Rf Double Resonance for Ion Spectroscopy,” Phys. Rev. A 38, 3812 (1988).
D. J. Larson, C. J. Edge, R. E. Elmquist, N. Berrah Mansour and R. Trainham, “Physics with Negative Ions in Ions Traps,” Physica Scripta T22, 183 (1988).
N. Berrah Mansour, C. J. Edge, and D. J. Larson, “Laser Photodetachment Spectroscopy of Se– and S,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B31 (1988) 313.
R. Trainham, G. D. Fletcher, N. Berrah Mansour, and D. J. Larson, “Photodetachment Threshold Shift in a Strong Laser Field,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2291 (1987).
N. Berrah Mansour, G.D. Fletcher, and D.J. Larson, “Laser Photodetachment Spectroscopy of S– Near the 1D Threshold,” Phys. Rev. A 35, 2321 (1987).