J. D. Bozek, N. Berrah, E. Kukk, D. T. Thomas, T. X. Carroll, L. J. Sæthre, J. A. Sheehy and P. W. Langhoff, “High resolution molecular inner-shell electron spectroscopies” conference proceedings of the 18th International Conference of X-ray and Inner-Shell Processes, Chicago, IL, AIP Conf. Proceedings, N. Y., 506, p.188 (1999).
E. Kukk, J. D. Bozek, T. D. Thomas, T. X. Carroll, L. J. Sæthre, J. A. Sheehy, P. W. Langhoff, and N. Berrah, “New insights into molecular structure and dynamics using soft x-ray electron spectroscopy”Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Sendai Japan , AIP Conf. Proceedings, N. Y., 500, p. 128 (1999).
G. Snell, B. Langer, E. Kukk, and N. Berrah, “Spin-resolved Auger spectroscopy of Xenon”, Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Sendai Japan , AIP Conf. Proceedings N. Y., 500, p. 188 (1999).
S. Diehl, D. Cubaynes, H. S. Zhou, L. Voky, F. J. Wuilleumier, E. T. Kennedy, J. M. Bizau, S. T. Manson, T. J. Morgan, C. Blancard, N. Berrah and J. Bozek “Angle resolved electron spectrometry studies of the auto ionization of the 2s22p 2P triply-excited state of atomic lithium: experimental results and R-matrix calculations”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1677 (2000).
C. Lopes. A. J. Yencha, G. C. King, J. D. Bozek, and N. Berrah, “High Resolution (6-12 meV) threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of Ar from 28-49 eV”. Chem. Phys. Lett. 310, 433 (1999).
A. Yencha, G. C. King, M. C. Lopes, J. D. Bozek and N. Berrah “Photo-Double Ionization of Deuterium Chloride Studies by Threshold Photoelectrons Coincidence Spectroscopy”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 315, 37 (1999).
G. Snell, E. Kukk, B. Langer, and N. Berrah, “Angular distribution measurements of the xenon N4,5O2,3O2,3 Auger electrons:determination of alignment and intrinsic parameters”, Phys. Rev. A 61, 42709 (2000).
E. Kukk, J. D. Bozek and N. Berrah, “Angular Distribution of the Sulphur 2p Photoemission in OCS:Variations Revealed by Molecular Field Splitting”, J. Phys. B. Lett. 51, 51 (2000).
N. Berrah, A. A. Wills, T. W. Gorczyca, E. Kukk, O. Nayandin and M. Alsherhi, “Angle resolved, two dimensional observations of spin-orbit effects in the photoionization of Ne”, ALS Activity Report, LBNL-43078, 39 (1999).
N. Berrah, “High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Studies of Atoms and Molecules using Advanced Electron Spectroscopy at the ALS”, Book Chapter in Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry-Review Volume on “Photoionization and Photodetachment”, World Scientific Publishing, Vol 10 Part II, (2000).
T. Young, A. Robinson, G. Snell and N. Berrah, “First results from the ALS Elliptically Polarizing Undulator beamline”, Synchrotron Radiation News, 12, 31 (1999).
E. Kukk, J. D. Bozek, W. T. Cheng, R. F. Fink, A. A. Wills, and N. Berrah “Auger decay of the C 1s-12π* resonance in carbon monoxide:vibrationally and angularly resolved spectra”, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 9642, (1999).
N. Berrah, B. Langer, A. A. Wills, E. Kukk, J. D. Bozek, A. Farhat, and T. W. Gorczyca, “High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Measurements in Atoms and Molecules using Advanced Photoelectron Spectroscopy at ALS”, J. Electr. Spectr. and relat. Phenom., 101, 1, (1999).
T. D. Thomas, N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, T. X. Carroll, J. Hahne, E. Kukk, and L. J. Saethre, “High-Resolution Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectrum of the HCCH and DCCD:the u-g splitting”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1120 (1999).
T. X. Caroll, N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, J. Hahne, E. Kukk, L. J. Saethre and D. T. Thomas, “High-Resolution Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectrum of Methane:Vibrational Excitation and Core-Hole Lifetime”, Phys. Rev. A. 59, 3386 (1999).
C. Greene and N. Berrah, “Working group on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics”, Workshop reports of the working groups for the Workshop on Scientific Directions at the Advanced Light Source, p. 201, March, 1998.
A. Farhat, A. A. Wills, B. Langer and N. Berrah, “Resonant Auger Decay Studies in Kr 3d3/2,5/2-1 np states using angle-resolved electron spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. A 59, 320 (1999).
R. Dörner, H. Brauning, O. Jagutzki, V. Mergel, M. Achler, R. Moshammer, J. Feagin, T. Osipov, A. Brauning-Dermian, L. Spielberger, J. H. McGuire, M. H. Prior, N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, C. L. Cocke and H. Schmidt-Böcking,“Double photoionization of spatially aligned D2”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5776 (1998).
E. Kukk, A.A. Wills, B. Langer, J.D. Bozek and N. Berrah: Angle-resolved 2D Imaging of Electron Emission Processes in Atoms and Molecules, “11th APS Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas”, AIP Conf. Proceedings 443, edited by E. Oks and M.S. Pindzola, Woodbury New York, 1998.
N. Berrah, A. Wills, B. Langer, J. D. Bozek, “Two-Dimensional Imaging of Atoms and Molecules Using Angle-Resolved, Electron Time-of-Flight spectroscopy”, Synchrotron Radiation News 11, 21 (1998).
E. Kukk, A, Wills, N. Berrah, B. Langer, J. D. Bozek, O. Nayandin, M. Alshehri, A. Farhat, and D. Cubaynes “Angle-Resolved Two-Dimensional Mapping of Electron Emission Following Cl 2p Excitations in the HCl Molecule, Phys. Rev. A57, R1485 (1998) (rapid Comm).
A.A. Wills, N. Berrah, T. W. Gorczyca, B. Langer, Z. Felfi, M. Alsherhi, O. Nayandin, and J. D. Bozek “Breakdown of LS coupling for a parity unfavored transition in Ne: Angle Resolved 2D Imaging of Two Electron Processes” Phys. Rev.Lett. 80, (1998).
N. Berrah, A. Wills, E. Kukk, B. Langer, and J. D. Bozek, “ A molecular portrait of hydrogen chloride”, ALS Activity Report LBNL-40766, 22 (1997).
S. Diehl, D. Cubaynes, F. J. Wuilleumier, J.-M. Bizau, L. Journel, E. T. Kennedy, C. Blancard, L. Voky, P. Faucher, A. Hibbert, N. Berrah, T. J. Morgan, J. Bozek, and A. S. Schlachter,”Experimental Observation and Theoretical Calculations of Rydberg Series in Hollow Atomic Lithium” Pys. Rev. Lett.79, 1241 (1997).
N. Berrah, A. Farhat, B. Langer, B. M. Lagutin, P. V. Demekhin, I. D. Petrov, V. L. Sukhorukov, R. Wehlitz, J. Viefhaus, S. B. Whitfield and U. Becker ”Angle Resolved Energy dependence of the 4p4nd (2S1/2) (n=4-7) Correlation Satellites in Kr from 38.5 eV to 250 eV: Experiment and Theory, Phys.Rev. A 56, 4545 (1997).
S. Diehl, D, Cubaynes, E. T. Kennedy, F. J. Wuilleumier, J.M. Bizau, L. Journel, L. Voky, P. Faucher, a. Hibbert, C. Blanchard, N. Berrah, T. J. Morgan, L. Journel, J. Bozek and A. S. Schlachter, “Hollow atom-Hollow ion decay routes of triply-excited lithium: First Auger results and comparison with R-matrix calculations” J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Phys. 30, L595 (1997).
S. Diehl, D. Cubaynes, K. T. Chung, F. J. Wuilleumier, J. M. Bizau, L. Journel, E. T. Kennedy, C. Blancard, L. Voky, P. Faucher, A. Hibbert, N. Berrah, T. J. Morgan. J. Bozek and A. S. Schlachter, “First Measurement and Theoretical Calculations of Doubly-Hollow Lithium States, Phys. Rev. A 56, 1, (1997) (Rapid Comm.).
B. Langer, N. Berrah, A. Farhat, M. Humphrey, J. Bozek and U. Becker, “Angular Distributions of Resonant and Non-Resonant Auger Electrons as a Test Case for the Validity of the Spectator Model: the Argon L2MM Case”, J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Phys 30, 4255 (1997).
A.Farhat, M. Humphrey, B. Langer, N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek and D. Cubaynes, “Angle-Resolved Study of Ar 2p1/2,3/2-1 ns,d Resonant Auger Decay”, Phys. Rev. A .56, 501 (1997).
R. Wehlitz, I. A. Sellin, O. Hemmers, S. B. Whitfield, P. Glans, H. Wang, D. W. Lindle, B. Langer, N. Berrah, J. Viefhaus, and U. Becker, “Photon energy dependence of ionization-excitations in Helium at medium energies”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys 30, L51 (1997).
N. Berrah and B. Langer, “Probing Electron Correlations Using Third Generation Synchrotron Radiation Sources,” Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics 33, 325 (1997).
S. B. Whitfield, B. Langer, J. Viefhaus, R. Wehlitz, N. Berrah, U. Becker, B. M. Lagutin, I. D. Petrov and V. L. Sukhorukov” Cross sections and angular distributions of the photoelectron correlation satellites of the Xe atom”, J. Electr. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 79, 315-318 (1996).
N. Berrah, B. Langer, T.W. Gorczyca, R. Wehlitz, A. Farhat, and J.D. Bozek, “Precision Angle Resolved Autoionization Resonances in Ar and Ne,”AIP conference proceedings 392, Woodbury, NY, 1996, Editors J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan, p.157, (1996).
B.M. Lagutin, I.D. Petrov, V.L. Sukhorukov, S.B. Whitfield, B. Langer, J. Viefhaus, R. Wehlitz, N. Berrah and U. Becker, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys B29, 937 (1996).
B. Langer, A. Farhat, B. Nessar, N. Berrah, O. Hemmers and J.D. Bozek, “Angle Resolved Resonant Raman Auger Spectroscopy of the Xe 4d → 6p Transition,”AIP conference proceedings 392, Woodbury, NY, 1996, Editors J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan, p.161 (1996).
B. Langer, A. Farhat, B. Nessar, N. Berrah, O. Hemmers, and J.D. Bozek, “Angle Resolved Study of the Xe 4d 6p Resonant Auger Process With High Resolution,” Proceedings of the 1996 US – Japan Workshops on Atomic Physics with Hard X-Rays from High Brillance Synchrotron Light Sources”, ANL/APS/TM-16, 1996.
B. Langer, N. Berrah, R. Wehlitz, T.W. Gorczyca, J. Bozek, and A. Farhat, “Angular Distribution of the Ne 2s → np Autoionization Resonances: Experimental and Theoretical Study,” J. Phys. B29, 1 (1996).
D. Cubaynes, S. Diehl, L. Journel, B. Rouvellou, J.M. Bizau, S. Al. Moussalami, F.J. Wuilleumier, N. Berrah, L. Voky, P. Faucher, A. Hibbert, C. Blancard, E. Kennedy, T.J. Morgan, J. Bozek, and A. Schlachter, “First Photoexcitation Measurements of Even-Parity Hollow Atomic Lithium States in Two-Color Experiments Involving High-Brightness Synchrotron Radiation,” Phys. Rev. Lett.77, 2194 (1996).
N. Berrah, B. Langer, J. Bozek, O. Hemmers, D.W. Lindle and O. Toader, “High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy: The Ar 3s-1 np (n = 4-16) Autoionization Resonances,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys 29, 5351 (1996).
N. Berrah, B. Langer and A. Farhat, “High Resolution Excitation and Photoionization using Synchrotron Radiation from the Advanced Light Source. Proceedings of the US-Indo Radiation Workshop, Indian Journal of Physics B71B, 223 (1997).
N. Berrah, B. Langer and A. Farhat, “High Resolution Excitation and Photoionization using Synchrotron Radiation from the Advanced Light Source. Proceedings of the US-Indo Radiation Workshop, edited by L. Kissel, S.Gupta, R. Pratt and S. Roy, 1996.
R. Wehlitz, R. Heutges, G. Prümper, A. Farhat, T. Buslaps, N. Berrah, J.C. Levin, I.A. Sellin and U. Becker, “Compton Double-to-Single Ionization Ratio of Helium at 57 keV,” Phys. Rev. A 53, R3720 (1996) (Rapid Comm.).
N. Berrah, B. Langer and A. Farhat, “Angle Resolved Resonant Raman Auger Spectroscopy on Xe”, Proceedings of the Raman Emission by X-rays (REX-1) workshop, Published World Scientific, Editors D. L. Ederer and J. H. McGuire, p. 156, (1996).
B. Langer, N. Berrah, A. Farhat, O. Hemmers and J.D. Bozek, “Auger Resonant Raman Spectroscopy Used to Study the Angular Distributions of the Xe 4d5/2 6p Decay Spectrum,” Phys. Rev. A53, R 1946 (1996) (Rapid Comm.).
S. Diehl, D. Cubaynes, J.M. Bizau, L. Journel, B. Rouvellou, S.Al. Moussalami, F.J. Wuilleumier, E.T. Kennedy, N. Berrah, C. Blancard, T.J. Morgan, J. Bozek, A.S. Schlachter, L. Voky, P. Faucher, and A. Hibbert, “High Resolution Measurements of Partial Photoionization Cross-Section in Hollow Lithium: A Critical Comparison with Advanced Many-Body Calculations,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3915 (1996).
N. Berrah, B. Langer, A. Farhat, “High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy,” Book contribution, Synchrotron Radiation Techniques in Industrial, Chemical and Material Sciences, ed. by K.L. d’Amico et al. Plenum Press, New York p.129 (1996).
N. Berrah, “Double Photoionization of He,” The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, XIX International Conference (Whistler, Canada, AIP, press, New York, Conf. Proc. 360) Editors L.J. Dube, J.B. Mitchell, J.W. McConkey and C.E. Brion, p. 117 (1995).
B.M. Lagutin, I.D. Petrov, V.L. Sukhorukov, S.B. Whitfield, B. Langer, N. Berrah and U. Becker, J. Elect. Spect. 76, 337 (1995).
O. Hemmers, S.B. Whitfield, N. Berrah, B. Langer, R. Wehlitz and U. Becker, “Angular Distribution of the C(1s) Photoelectron Satellites in CO,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys 28, L693 (1995).
N. Berrah, “High Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy,” Advanced Light Source Report 8, 3 (1995); Activity report 1994 Advanced Light Source, August 1995, LBLN, University of California.
B. Rouvellou, J.M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, J. Novak, M. Pahler, L. Journel, F.J. Wuilleumier, L. Voky, P. Faucher, A. Hibbert and N. Berrah, “First Experimental Determination and R-Matrix Calculation of the Angular Distribution of Photoelectrons Ejected in Direct Inner-Shell Photoionization of Excited Atoms,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 33‑36 (1995).
J.H. McGuire, N. Berrah, R.J. Bartlett, J.A.R. Samson, J.A. Tanis, C.L. Cocke, A.S. Schlachter, “The Ratio of Cross Sections for Double to Single Ionization of Helium by High Energy Photons and Charged Particles,” J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 28, 6, 913‑40 (1995).